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Wednesday 24 October 2012

Synopsis 5

Luke is standing at his slightly beaten locker, he slowly opens the door, revealing band posters and folders, he looks at his favourite poster, then Alice walks up to the locker next to him. He sees her out of the corner of his eye, she opens her locker, slowly revealing similar band posters, a smile smile appears on Luke’s face, as he scrutinizes her properly now. Her hair covers most of her face, but through the gaps in her hair, he notices small things, bright eyes, small nose, nice smile. Then quickly Alice shuts her locker and moves away.

Luke is staring blandly at the bright computer screen, lifelessly tapping away at the keyboard, watching text appear on the screen. He hits print and moves across the room, on his way he notices a group of so called ‘norms’ sitting on the bright green sofas. As he passes, they notice him and start pointing and whispering. Luke is standing by the printer and hears them but pays no attention. 
Then one of the group sits back and smugly yells; ‘Oi you fucking pussy shouldn’t you be at a hair and beauty course not here!?
He sits back, and the rest of the group burst in to fits of laughter with occasional bouts of backup insults; ‘Haha he looks like a ugly girl!’, ‘Where are your boobs woman? Late bloomer?’, ‘Why aren’t you defending yourself?’ ‘Proof he has a pussy!’ 

Luke just shakes his head, and strides back past the group back to his seat, the group die down and returns to their chat.

A few seconds later Alice enters the room. She still has her head down and headphones in, muttering to herself incoherently under her breath. The group look round and notice Alice, they instantly crack up in to laughter, then one of the group, grabs a sandwich that was sitting next to him and throws it straight at Alice.
A thwomp shakes Alice’s world, as the sandwich hits her squarely in the face. Alice is shocked and startled, as the sandwich drops to the floor. She shuffles across the room briskly, with short strides carrying her to a seat by a computer in the corner of the room. She sits down at speed, placing her bags gently on the table, and creating a wall between herself and the group.

The group move slowly around to the computers near her continuing the abuse, with any object near them such as food, pens, crumpled bits of paper and combined with verbal abuse. 

Luke pulls out his phone from his pocket, whilst looking down at his screen and up at what is happening to Alice. His fingers move furiously across the keyboard of the phone, and then he suddenly pockets the phone.

He gets up out of his seat, moves across the room, pushes past the group members and grabs Alice by the arm and leads her out the room silently. The group follow them, jeering with the same recycled insults, until they get outside in to the piazza, where Luke and Alice  stop and turn around to face the group. The insults stop and it drops in to silence. Then Luke just casually pulls his phone out of his pocket, presses a large button, and holds the camera up at eye level. The group stare on confused, for a second, when out of the bushes and out from behind walls jump out loads of people, all with food in hand. The group look around noticing they have been boxed in when Luke says ’Go’. 


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